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Is it true that Police disproportionately target blacks? Are our police systemically racist? Should blacks be fearful and angry at police and white society in general?

This site is my contribution to examining the arguments and presenting facts.

If you don't agree, use this site as a source of arguments to counter. This will help you in presenting your side of the story.

This is a continuing project. As new events occur and new arguments are made, we will continue to update this site. Come back often.

I hope this site will be useful to all points of view.

The thesis is that the new civil rights movement represented by Black Lives Matter - which concentrates on race, on differences, on anger and fear - is moving us backwards. Old wounds - which we've managed to bandage and heal - are now bleeding for a new generation, as it unearths the past and re-examines old injustices. The movement also looks at the present with a jaundiced racial eye - interpreting each police encounter with a person of color as a racist encounter. This is a dangerously simplistic and false paradigm that must be countered.

In this site we provide facts and context to clarify the misinformation offered by the media and others.

But the most important arguments on race relations you will find on the Black Thinkers page. They are eloquent and worth your time to hear and consider.

How to use this site.

On each page, click on the links and pictures to follow the data or story.

When you open a link, it is opened in a new Tab. Click on the web site tab to return to the website. This way you can have multiple references open at the same time.


We've included some fantastic songs to listen to at the top of the pages. Click on the artist picture to begin, then return to the website tab to read the page as you listen.

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Each page concentrates on a piece of the puzzle. We examine the martyrs of the Black Lives Matter movements, the statistics being used, the media's involvement, the debate on white privilege and we include examples of black success and rational thinkers.

Use as a reference

Use this site as a reference, it includes links to studies and details that will continue to be added to and updated. Use it as your source to stay up to date with the facts.

No matter what color...

We can get through this dark period. Calm debate backed by data and reason is a first step. We are all Americans. We are all in this together.