Black American Thinkers.

Contemporary Black Thinkers on racism, white privilege, poverty, culture, freedom.

Click the picture to hear what they have to say.

David Webb

"Frankly, if a white person said some of the same things, then you’d get the cry of racism and you’d never have the discussion,” he added. “And I want the discussion to be held.”".

David Webb

Candace Owens

While a 17-year-old senior in high school, Owens said she received three racist death threat voicemail messages. The reactions by authority changed her view of politics. "I was simply never taught to view myself as a victim because of my heritage."

Candace Owens

Thomas Sowell

"The entire human species began in poverty. There is no explanation needed. What requires explaining are the things that created and sustained higher standards of living."

Thomas Sowell

Shelby Steele

"Al Sharpton is a nice person... White America needs to prove that they are not racist. In order to prove you are not racist you need to ...".

Shelby Steele

Jason Riley

"A lot of what's been tried isn't working". What the government should stop doing.

Jason Riley

Larry Elder

"I am the antithesis of everything they stand for... I've got to be maligned, I've got to be cast away, I've got to be treated as if I'm Darth Vador."

Larry Elder

Carol M. Swain

Author of 'Critical Race Theory’s Destructive Impact on America'. Click to watch her own story of a black woman overcoming extreme poverty through self-confidence, hard work and education.

Carol Swain

Listen to the following seven black intellectuals together on Bret Weinstein's DarkHorse Podcast or click on each picture for separate presentations.

Glenn C. Loury

Professor of Economics, Brown University. PHD in economics, MIT. @GleenLoury on Twitter.

Glenn C. Loury

John Wood Jr.

National leader for Braver Angels, artist, noted writer. @JohnHMcWhorter on Twitter.

John Wood Jr

Coleman Hughes.

Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, contributing editor at City Journal. Writing features in New York Times, WJS and many others. @coldxman on Twitter.

Coleman Hughes

Thomas Chatterton Williams

Author of Losing my Cool and Self-Portratin in Black and White. Contributing writer at the New York Times magazine..

Thomas Chatterton Williams

John McWhorter

Professor of Linguistics at Columbia University. Contributing writer at The Atlantic. @JohnHMcWhorter on Twitter.

John McWhorter

Chloe Valdary

Developer of The Theory of Enchantment, Social Emotional Learning. Bartley fellow at The WSJ.

Chloe Valdary

Kmele Foster

Co-Founder of Free Think, lead Producer. Regular contributor to national outlets. @kmele on Twitter.

Kmele Foster


1776 Project

The 1776 Project is a project led by African American historians, academics, and advocates to promote founding American values like entrepreneurship and self-determination. ...A powerful refutation of the claim that the destiny of Black Americans is determined by what whites do, or what they have done in the past.


Uncle Tom

Click the picture for official preview of the new movie, UNCLE TOM. Click here for extra outakes. Available for private purchase, but coming to Amazon soon. Features a cross section of black conservatives - giving their perspective on todays movements. Recommended for liberals and conservatives.

Uncle Tom movie

Word on the Street

Tatum, Topher, Derrick, ABL

Four perspectives. Covers the spectrum on race in America.

Four in a Podcast

And many more brave and facinating individuals at the forefront of free thinking.... Check back soon, more coming!

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