Is it because I'm black? Sly Johnson. Click to listen while you read ->   Sly Johnson Is it because I'm black.

Race has no Place.

FBI reports that 48 police officers (15% black) were killed in a criminal manner in 2019.

George Floyd was black. Two of the four police officers who are charged with his murder are white. No one has the right to conclude that because they are white, they are racist. That is racism. No one can see into another man's heart.

These documented instances of police violence on whites by whites, and on whites and blacks by blacks, are included to support by example, the findings of the Michigan State University study, that race is not a factor when it comes to police violence. Click on the example videos below.

The Michigan State University study concludes that "...The race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot." Click the button to read the full study.

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Don't let the media, or Black Lives Matter, divide us by race, with unsupported accusations of racial bias.

This page is not pleasant. Viewer discretion is advised. But it is necessary to show that the video of George Floyd while tragic, is not limited to white police interaction with blacks. In each of these clips imagine the victim as black, and the police as white, and how the media, and some of our leaders, would push the narrative of racist police. Click each picture to watch the video

In the descriptions below we include the race of the participants to prove a point, race is NOT a factor. Paradoxically, to eradicate racism we must stop identifying by color. To associate motive and behavior with race, is racism. To avoid racism, we identify the injustice, where it exists, and rectify it. Justice requires that we not allow color to influence our judgement.

Like George Floyd, Tony Timpa, a white man, pleads for help more than 30 times

Teenager suffocated by police

Officers pin him down, tell jokes, for 13 minutes while he dies. Cause of death cardiac arrest due to stress associated with physical restraint.

Two black police shoot an unarmed white man in the back as he runs up the stairs.

White man shot in the back

The man struggles. The two police struggle to control him. He is unarmed. He breaks away is shot in the back as he runs up the subway stairs.

Like Brenonna Taylor - No Knock Warrant. White home owner shoots police.

Henry Magee

Henry Magee heard people burst into his Texas home before 6 a.m. on a Thursday morning. He shot and killed the intruder. Now he's in jail. The intruder he shot was Sgt. Sowders, an investigator Sheriff’s Department who was there serving a no knock search warrant for drugs.

White student, John McKenna, beaten to the ground by a black policeman

John McKenna

McKenna is dancing, celebrating. He sees policeman and stops. He backs up against a wall. He is beaten to the ground sustaining serious injuries. A black policeman is convicted of assault by a jury, but a judge throws the conviction out.

Black policeman shoots unarmed white woman who called 911.

shoots 911 caller

Minneapolis black police officer shoots a white woman who had called 911. He is convicted. Some object because they say he was only convicted because he is black.

White Policeman repeatedly punches white man for throwing coffee on him.

Beaten for coffee

The white policeman repeatedly punches unarmed white man "The trap has been set" the beaten man tells the judge.

Unarmed white deaf man, Daniel Harris, shot by white police

Daniel Harris

White deaf man does not hear police siren. Pulls into his driveway and is shot dead by white police.

Daniel Shaver shot on the ground while begging and pleading

Daniel Shaver Shot

White policeman shoots unarmed white man, on the ground, after he follows each of the officers directions.

Overkill. White policeman shoots and kills wounded white suspect

Graham Shoots.

White policeman shoots white suspect on the ground five more times after he is mortally wounded with 10 gunshot wounds.

Black policemen shoot and kill white autistic boy


Two black policemen shoot white man and his autistic son. Father had hands raised in surrender.

White policeman fails to call dog off White 16 year old suspect

boy and dog

White policeman leaves his dog to mall the white teenager, even as he screams and pleads to stop.

White policemen tasers white 65 year old women in traffic stop.

65 year old tasered

White policeman pulls over white 65 year old for broken tail light. Tasers her for non cooperation.

White man is shoved and injured by white police

Martin Gugino

White protester, Martin Gugino, attempts to talk with police after they have ordered the crowd to move back.

White, paranoid schizophrenic, James Boyd is shot and killed by White Police

James Boyd

James Boyd, was camping. Someone called police because they thought he was suspicious. Surrounded by 40 police, including a Swat Team and a police dog, he was shot dead.

Latino, Carlos Ingram-Lopez, dies in the custody of one black and two white police officers.

Carlos Ingram

Carlos was placed in a prone position for 12 minutes. He died from asphyxiaton, heart attack, and cocaine intoxication.

Mayfair Mall shooting. Third shooting by black officer.

Joseph Mensah

Black officer shoots/kills black teen, Alvin Cole. The officer, Joseph Mensah, is under investigation because this is his third shooting in five years. The other shootings involved a hispanic, Antonio Gonzales and a black man, Jay Anderson.

White policeman shoots unarmed white Andrew Thomas as he crawls out the window of his wrecked car

Andrew Thomas Shot

The teenager has just flipped his SUV. The SUV is on its side. The white officer watches as Thomas gets half his body out of the broken window, then shoots him.

"Black Americans account for less than 13% of the U.S. population but the rate at which they are shot and killed by police is more than twice as high as the rate for white Americans." Isn't that racism? No. The study explains (see button at top): 1. "We found that violent crime rates are the driving force behind fatal shootings. Our data show that the rate of crime by each racial group correlates with the likelihood of citizens from that racial group being shot." and 2. "Black citizens are more likely to have been shot by black officers because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police."

When Racism is assumed.

The lesson Black Lives Matter offers to the young black man is that the police are racist. It is understandable that you will argue and resist. If the police stop you, it's because you are black.

Character can be judged. Racism cannot. We cannot see in another person's heart. When we teach our children rascism, every policeman looks like a racist.

We can affirm, that each of us as individuals, as Americans, as persons, regardless of race, have the right to be treated justly.

Teach our children that resisting arrest, arguing with police, raising your voice, cursing, is the wrong response.

Teach our children how to stand up for their rights - when abridged, calmly, respecfully. Understand that the policeman has a job to do. It's not personal.

The charges of "Racism" and "Systemic Racism" stops the inquiry into what exactly the injustice is and how we can fix it. It divides America by race.

Don't let our leaders and the media divide us by race.

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